Neurogenic Hip Pain

Patients often complain of "hip pain" with is in fact arising from the spine, pelvis or sacroiliac joint. Distal referral of degenerative back pain is very commonly seen in the hip clinic.

Radiation of spinal or sacroiliac pathology may produce buttock pain.

Radicular pain indicates nerve root entrapment often due to a disc prolapse:-

There are however some conditions causing irritation of nerves adjacent to the hip and true neurogenic hip pain.



Sciatic Nerve

Piriformis syndrome

Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh

Meralgia Paresthetica

Obturator Nerve

Injury  / Neuralgia

Iliohyogastric Nerve

Injury  / Neuralgia

Ilioinguinal Nerve

Injury  / Neuralgia

Genitofemoral Nerve

Injury  / Neuralgia

Femoral Nerve

Injury  / Neuralgia

Saphenous Nerve

Injury  / Neuralgia

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